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Spring Registration

Welcome back to our returning St. Isaac Jogues families and welcome to any new families!

As we prepare for the upcoming CYO baseball and softball season, it is crucial that each player who intends to play, REGISTER, SIGN IN, AND CHECKOUT using the link at the bottom of this page by the registration deadline of Sunday, February 16th.

Please note that this year SIJ CYO Baseball / Softball is available for all SIJ students and parish member children grades 4th through 8th.  



To be eligible to play St. Isaac Jogues CYO sports your child must fullfill one of the following :

    1.  Be a student at St. Isaac Jogues

    2.  Be a St. Isaac Jogues Parishioner attending Religious Education classes at SIJ or one of the surrounding Catholic parishes

    3.  Attend school or religious education classes at one of the surrounding Catholic parishes without that specific sport.

Participants must agree to abide by all CYO and St. Isaac Jogues rules and regulations as they relate to sportsmanship and conduct.


Registration is not considered complete until:

  • Registration Fees have been paid in FULL.
  • Physical Form: you can print out the MHSAA physical form on our website, or use one from your physician's office - This form must be dated after April 15 of the current school year and you need to bring a copy of physical to turn in at your child's first practice/tryout time. No participation of any kind will be allowed until your child's physical is on file, per CYO policy. 


We need player counts to be able to:

  1. Submit your child’s team for registration to downtown AOD/CYO office.
  2. Create practice and game schedules.
  3. Order items for your child's team


Once we have final numbers by February 16th, we will be able to set our teams:

Boys CYO Baseball - Grades 4-8

Girls CYO Softball - Grades 4-8


Registration Cost:  Registration for Spring Baseball and Softball is $185.  Registration will remain open until the night of Sunday, February 16th when registration will be officially closed.***



Interested in coaching or volunteering?  Any parent that has some experience and interest in coaching, please let us know and the grade level of interest.  If you have any additional questions, please feel free to email


We appreciate your help and look forward to a successful Chargers Spring Sports Season!

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact Athletic Director, Able Sanchez via phone or text (fasted option) at 586-206-6995 or via email at  

God Bless and GO CHARGERS!